Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Floor In Progress As Well As Tiffany Lamp Shades

I finished my first floor and it turned out nice, but not very level. Here is a picture of the second floor I am making. If only I could find some more of those coffee stirrer sticks! They were there when I was just scanning the store, but now that I need some more, I can't remember where I found them in the first place!

I found the graph paper on the internet for free download. It helps keep the sticks in order.

Here are my Tiffany lamps before they went into the oven to bake. Reminds me of when I was a child playing with those little toy ovens. They really did bake, but, I would always get shocks from my little ovens and it took the fun out of baking. But at least I don't get shocks from this oven. It is much improved from what we had as kids!

Tiffany Lamp Shades About To Go Into The Oven To Bake.
The Bronze Objects Will Go On Top Of The Lamp Shades.

Tiffany Lamp Shades Up Close Before Going Into The Oven

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